
Russian jet downs another air force base in Belgorod: seven wounded

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A Russian aerial bomb falls on the city of Belgorod, wounding 7 people, including a child, and damaging 31 houses and 10 cars.

On May 4, a FAB-500 aircraft bomb, launched by a Russian army plane, fell on the Russian city of Belgorod. The explosion injured 7 people, including a child. This is reported by the Russian  Telegram channel ASTRA  with reference to its sources, UNN reports. 


ASTRA's sources in the emergency services of the Belgorod region report that a Russian FAB-500 crashed into Belgorod on May 4. After the crash, the bomb exploded, and 7 people, including a child, were injured. 31 houses and 10 cars were damaged.  

On the day of the explosion, the governor of the region did not name the cause, and local media speculated that a Russian bomb had fallen on the city.

According to ASTRA, in March-April of this year, Russian aircraft dropped more than 20 bombs on the regions of the Russian Federation. 

ППО збила 12 з 13 російських безпілотників у Сумській області06.05.24, 06:56

Tatiana Kraevskaya

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