
Russian attack hits critical infrastructure in Vinnytsia region

 • 123518 переглядiв

According to the head of the Regional Military Administration Sergey Borzov, a critical infrastructure facility was damaged in the Vinnytsia region as a result of an attack by the Russian army.

As a result of the attack of the Russian army in the Vinnytsia region, there is a hit in a critical infrastructure object, said the head of RMA Sergey Borzov, reports UNN.


 previously, no injuries. All necessary measures are being taken on site to eliminate the consequences, Borzov added.

Син посадовця Вінницького ТЦК за 20 тис. дол. обіцяв "пакет" документів для виїзду за кордон, його затримали - ДБР18.06.24, 12:49

Lilia Podolyak



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