
Russia plans to hold a draft in the occupied districts of Zaporizhzhia for the first time since the annexation - British intelligence

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Russia plans to hold a draft in the occupied territories of Zaporizhzhia region for the first time since its illegal annexation in September 2022, but the effect is likely to be limited because a large part of the population has left the region.

Russia is planning to hold a draft in the occupied areas of Zaporizhzhia for the first time since the annexation, but it is likely to be limited given that a significant part of the population of Zaporizhzhia has left. This was reported by UNN with reference to a British intelligence report released by the British Ministry of Defense.


A decree dated April 17, 2024, signed by the pro-Russian governor of Zaporizhzhia region states that Russia is preparing the necessary infrastructure and measures for conscription in the Russian-occupied areas of Zaporizhzhia. This will be the first conscription in this temporarily occupied territory since its illegal annexation by Russia in September 2022

- the report says.

It is noted that Russia probably sees this measure as a way to meet the need of the Russian Armed Forces for additional personnel to support its military efforts.

The intelligence service notes that the effect of the order is likely to be limited, given that a significant portion of Zaporizhzhia's population has left.

For example, in Melitopol, the largest city in Zaporizhzhia under Russian control, only 40% of the pre-war population remains, and half of them are ethnic Russians who are offered jobs in the city. The decree is also part of a broader campaign by Russian authorities in the temporarily occupied territories to force the population to accept Russian rule. It also aligns with attempts to ensure that residents have Russian passports and vote in the recent presidential elections. the Kremlin continues to pursue a relentless policy of Russification of the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine

- the report adds.


In the temporarily occupied Mariupol, Zaporizhzhia region, mobilization begins in May. The occupation district administrations were ordered to submit all data on enterprises to the military enlistment office for mobilization activities by April 15.

Also, the head of the Zaporizhzhia RMA Ivan Fedorov reported that after Putin's "elections" are over, the Russian occupation administration of Zaporizhzhia TOT is going to attract the maximum number of residents for conscription in the Russian armed forces.


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