
Russia intensifies recruitment and funding of "journalists" around the world - The Resistance Center

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Russia is stepping up its recruitment and funding of foreign "journalists, bloggers and youth" through its Rossotrudnichestvo agency to cover the war in Ukraine in a way that serves Russian interests, spending more than 230 million rubles in just 4 months of 2024.

Russia is increasing spending on programs for foreign "journalists, bloggers and youth" through "Russian cooperation" to cover the war in the way Russia needs. This was reported by the Center for National Resistance, UNN reports .

Rossotrudnichestvo is a structure created for the functioning of the Russian agent network around the world. In the first four months of 2024, it announced tenders for 230 million rubles worth of "correct coverage" of the war, more than in the entire year of 2023,

- the statement said.


It is noted that as part of its programs, Rossotrudnichestvo annually pays for thousands of young "representatives of socio-political circles" from abroad to travel to Russia, including to the temporarily occupied territories. In Russia, foreign "journalists" are trained at the Sputnik news agency and the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper.

Later, they become centers of propaganda in their countries and conduct information campaigns against Ukraine and the entire civilized world,

- the CNS notes


Russian invaders in the temporarily occupied territories force state employees to watch propaganda films to brainwash Ukrainians under occupation with justifications for the Kremlin and the heroization of its leadership.

Olga Rozgon



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