
Rome resident wakes up from prolonged coma and forgets 39 years of his life

 • 19013 переглядiв

The man lost consciousness in a car accident in 2019. When he came to, he thought he was 24 years old and in the 80s.

Writes UNN with reference to RAI and Il Messaggero.


In 2019, Luciano d'Adamo was hit by a car in Rome and lost consciousness. After a while, he regained consciousness after the accident, convinced that he was 24 years old, born in 1980. He did not recognize his wife or son. Thus, he lost the memories of 39 years of his life.

When he regained consciousness in the hospital, he dictated his mother's home number to the nurse, 

- the material says.  

When they announced the arrival of a woman, he thought it was his mother, but instead a stranger entered the room:

“She called me 'Luciano'. And I wondered how she knew my name.

Later, a 35-year-old man introduced himself to him as his son. D'Adamo recalls his thoughts at the time: “How can a person who was born much later than me be my son?

Таємничого творця біткоїну ідентифіковано, стверджує новий фільм HBO04.10.24, 17:09

When Luciano got out of bed and looked at himself in the mirror, he started screaming when he saw a man with gray hair:

“A 24-year-old boy turned into a 63-year-old man.

He was told that the accident had taken place on Via delle Fornaci, not in Monte Mario, and not in 1980, but in 2019. However, due to the head injury, he lost the memory of the previous 39 years of his life.

Today, the 68-year-old man is trying to resume his former life, in particular with the help of family and friends, which, however, causes him great difficulties.

Сім'ю Шумахера шантажували через секретні файли, двох заарештовано25.06.24, 00:25

“Every now and then I meet someone who greets me... It must be an old friend, but I don't know who,” he told Il Messaggero . 

With the help of psychologists, he and his wife are rebuilding their relationship, which they had to start from scratch. Luciano never received any compensation, as the driver who hit him was never found.

Telegraph: у принцеси Анни після травми часткова втрата пам'яті25.06.24, 05:14


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