
Results of psychological examinations of torture victims are important evidence of Russia's crimes against humanity - Oleksandr Ruvin

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In order to document the crimes against humanity committed by the Russian Federation, it is important not only to record the physical consequences of torture, but also the psychological trauma suffered by civilians and military personnel from the Russians' abuse. Director of Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise Oleksandr Ruvin told about how devastating psychological traumas can be for a person, which is primarily established in the course of relevant research, and due to which their results should become indisputable evidence in international courts.

According to the Director of Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise, since the beginning of the full-scale aggression, the enemy has been cynically and systematically violating the laws and customs of warfare. The Hague and Geneva Conventions, the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court and other international documents have no meaning for the Russian military and the occupying country.

Today, the Institute conducts more than 20 different types of examinations that allow it to record all war crimes committed by Russians. Among them, in particular, are psychological examinations conducted to document psychological trauma and the effects of torture on civilians and military personnel after they return home.

Psychological expertise plays an extremely important role in war crimes investigations. Unlike forensic medical examinations, which primarily document physical injuries, psychological studies document consequences that may be less obvious but no less devastating. This is especially important in the context of documenting crimes committed against Ukrainian prisoners and civilians who have survived torture and other forms of ill-treatment by the Russian military. These consequences often have a long-lasting effect and can stay with a person for a long time. Psychological examination also corroborates the testimony of victims, recording behavioral and emotional manifestations consistent with the cruelty experienced

- said Oleksandr Ruvin.

The Director of the Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise emphasized that in international trials, such as those related to crimes against humanity, the results of psychological examinations are an integral part of the evidence base. They help to prove not only the fact of violence, but also its long-lasting and profound impact on the victim, which is critical for a fair judgment.

Ідентифікація українських військовополонених: директор КНДІСЕ Олександр Рувін про шляхи удосконалення та міжнародне співробітництво у цьому напрямку10.09.24, 13:12


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