
Record figures: support for the reception of Ukrainian refugees in Poland has fallen to 53%

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53% of Poles support the country's acceptance of Ukrainian refugees. This is the lowest result since March 2022, when it was 94%. This is evidenced by the latest survey by the Center for Public Opinion Research (CBOS), UNN reports with reference to PAP

In a September poll, CBOS asked Poles about their attitude to accepting refugees from Ukraine. 

53% of Poles support our country's acceptance of Ukrainian refugees, the lowest result since the Russian invasion in February 2022. After the outbreak of war in March 2022, the percentage of those who declared this opinion reached 94% and remained at 80% for another year

- the study says. 

They noted that a significant drop in support has occurred since the spring of 2023, which  is associated with reports of the so-called grain crisis. 

In March 2022, 3% of respondents opposed the acceptance of refugees from Ukraine, while now 40% of respondents share this opinion.

Support for the reception of Ukrainian refugees was expressed by 47% of women against 60% of men.

Right-wing voters are more in favor of accepting refugees from Ukraine - 53% vs. 68% of those who declare left-wing views.  The voters of the ruling coalition are the most supportive of the reception of Ukrainians: "Civic Coalition" (71% in favor, 25% opposed), ‘Left’ (81% in favor vs. 18% opposed) and ‘Third Way’ (72% in favor vs. 27% opposed). On the other hand, supporters of the opposition parties - Law and Justice (49% vs. 42% against) and the Confederation of Freedom and Independence (52% in favor and 45% against) - are more divided on this issue.

Міністр оборони Польщі: Україна не приєднається до ЄС, якщо не вирішить волинське питання04.10.24, 10:23

Poles were also asked whether it is necessary to send Ukrainian male citizens of military age back to Ukraine. This idea is supported by two-thirds of Poles (67%), while  only slightly more than one-fifth of respondents (22%) oppose it.

According to the survey, in September of this year, 51% of Poles feared that Russia  could actually use nuclear weapons against Ukraine, while at the beginning of the war, 77% of respondents shared the same opinion.

According to CBOS, 46% of Poles support the continuation of hostilities in Ukraine. 39% of respondents are in favor of restoring peace even at the cost of territorial or political concessions from Ukraine. Fighting without any concessions was supported by 52% of men vs. 41% of women; 71% of residents of the largest cities vs. 35% in the smallest cities; 51% with higher education vs. 35% with primary or incomplete secondary education; 71% with higher per capita income vs. 30% with the lowest; 56% of those who support left-wing views vs. 47% of right-wing views, or 27% of those who have not decided on their political views.

According to 44% of respondents, Ukraine will have to give up part of its territory. 19% assume that Russia will retreat from the territories occupied since 2022, and 6% - from the territories occupied since 2014. Instead, 4% of respondents believe that Russia will conquer the whole of Ukraine, and 27% were not able to answer.

The survey was conducted from September 12 to 22, 2024 among 941 people. 

Сікорський - російському послу: чим те, що робить рф з викраденими українськими дітьми, відрізняється від того, що робили нацисти25.09.24, 11:29

Tatiana Kraevskaya



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