
Recently there was one military clash in the area of Starytsa, Ukrainian Armed Forces did not lose their positions - OTGT "Kharkiv"

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Recently, there was one military clash in the area of Staritsa in the Kharkiv region. The Defense Forces did not lose their positions.

Recently, there was one military clash in the area of Staritsa in the Kharkiv region. The Defense Forces did not lose their positions. This was announced by the speaker of the OTGT "Kharkiv" Yuriy Povkh on the air of the telethon on Thursday, the correspondent of UNN reports.

any success, at least minimal, on the battlefield is important for Russians. In turn, every square meter of our land is important for the Defense Forces, so now there are very fierce confrontations on the line of military contact. Recently, there was one military clash in the area of the village of Starytsa. The enemy was repulsed, the positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the Defense Forces were not lost

Povh said.

In addition, he commented on the actions of the enemy on the line of contact.

"These are mainly actions of small groups and only with their help there is an offensive. In addition, the enemy's equipment that accompanies the offensive is destroyed. Over the past day, the enemy lost one tank, about 20 vehicles, three units of special equipment in our direction, and nine dugout - type shelters that were in the enemy's zone of action were hit," Povh said.


The Atesh partisan movement reported that Russia could use conscripts in combat operations due to heavy losses in the Kharkiv region.


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