
Rada proposes to expand powers of local authorities in time of war

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The Committee on the Organization of State Power, Local Self-Government, Regional Development and Urban Planning recommends that the Verkhovna Rada adopt  the draft law "On Amendments to Certain Laws of Ukraine on Empowering Local Governments to Support the Security and Defense Sector of Ukraine" (No. 9559-d) in the second reading and as a whole. This was reported by the press service of the Verkhovna Rada, UNN reports.

“The Committee adopted a conclusion to recommend that the Parliament adopt draft law No. 9559-d in the second reading and as a whole,” the statement said. 

The document proposes to amend the Laws of Ukraine “On Local Self-Government in Ukraine” and “On Prevention of Corruption” to expand the powers of local governments to provide financial and material support to the security and defense sector during martial law or a state of emergency, as well as to regulate the procedure for holding remote meetings of local governments.


  • empowering executive bodies of village, town and city councils to:

- construction, arrangement and maintenance of engineering, technical and fortification structures;

- making decisions on approving local budgets and amending them, approving programs of socio-economic and cultural development, targeted programs on other local government issues, transferring funds in the form of intergovernmental transfers to the relevant local budgets in the event of temporary occupation of a territorial community and failure to establish a military administration;

- Ensuring the possibility of appointing a village, settlement, city head to the position of head of the relevant military administration of the settlement (settlements) without dismissal from the position held, the possibility for civil servants and local self-government officials who are on unpaid leave or in case of downtime or suspension of their employment contract to be appointed to positions in other state and local authorities, military administrations, legal entitie

  • expanding the organizational capacity of the leadership of regional and district councils under martial law in the event of a vacancy in the position of the chairman of such council.


On April 11, the Verkhovna Rada passed in the first reading a bill  expanding the powers of local authorities during the war.

В Україні хочуть посилити відповідальність у сфері використання публічних коштів. Рада зробила перший крок 22.05.24, 16:47

Tatiana Kraevskaya



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