
Rada failed to introduce fines for violating curfews

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The Ukrainian parliament rejected a bill that would provide for administrative fines and detentions for violating curfews during martial law, without gaining enough votes in the second reading.

The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine has rejected a bill that would provide for fines and detentions for violating curfews during martial law, which did not get enough votes in the second reading, MP Yaroslav Zheleznyak said on Wednesday, UNN writes.


"The Rada failed the second reading (draft law) No. 10195 - administrative liability for violation of the curfew by citizens. "For" - only 190. and the return also failed (216). The law is considered rejected completely," MP Zheleznyak wrote on Telegram.

According to him, the rejected bill provided for administrative liability for violating martial law measures, including curfews in the form of a fine. Protocols were supposed to be drawn up by the police, and the court was supposed to involve them. It was supposed to grant the right to the police to carry out administrative detention against violators of the curfew.

Зеленський підписав законопроєкт про підвищення штрафів за порушення військового обліку17.05.24, 14:33

Julia Shramko



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