
Rada adopts law on peculiarities of privatization of state-owned banks: what it provides for

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The Verkhovna Rada has adopted a draft law on the peculiarities of privatization of state-owned banks. This was reported by UNN with reference to MP Yaroslav Zheleznyak.

The Parliament adopted #11474 - peculiarities of privatization of state-owned banks. In favor in total - 260

- wrote Zheleznyak on Telegram.

He pointed out that the adoption of the document is also a requirement of the World Bank.

As the MP previously stated , the main goal of the draft law is to reduce the state's presence in the banking market. 

He also spoke about the main innovations of the document: 

  • expands the range of potential investors to whom the state is willing to consider selling;
  • allows the sale of any state share in a bank (not just 100% of the state's shares, as provided for in the current law);
  • increases the requirements for legal entities that may be engaged by the state as financial advisors for sales;
  • includes international donors in the selection of financial advisors for the sale and the sale itself;
  • updates the rules for setting the price and conducting the auction in accordance with the World Bank's recommendations;
  • takes into account the possibility that only one potential investor may participate in the auction;
  • Brings the requirements to the purchase and sale agreement in line with market practices;
  • prevents negative influence on the sale procedure (for example, stopping the sale) by former beneficial owners (relevant for JSC Sens Bank) or current minority shareholders (relevant for JSB UKRGASBANK).


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