
Racketeers extorted $10,000 from wife of fallen soldier and threatened to kill her: Zaporizhzhia detains racketeers

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The racketeers extorted $10,000 from the wife of a deceased Ukrainian soldier and threatened to kill her and her child if she did not pay the non-existent debt.

The Security Service of Ukraine detained racketeers in Zaporizhzhia who tried to "knock out" $10,000 of a non-existent debt from the wife of one of the fallen defenders and threatened to kill her and the child. This was reported by the Security Service of Ukraine, UNN writes.


According to the report, the SBU neutralized a criminal group that terrorized and tried to keep Zaporizhzhia residents in fear.

The fact of extortion of USD 10 thousand from the wife of one of the fallen defenders of Ukraine was documented. After learning that the woman had received financial assistance from the state, the criminals demanded money from her that was allegedly owed by her late husband. In order to intimidate the woman, the racketeers constantly harassed her and exerted psychological pressure

- the SBU reports.

It is noted that the racketeers threatened to cripple the victim and then kill her and her minor child if she refused to pay the "debt".

The SBU detained three criminals while they were transferring half of the money from the deceased's wife. According to the investigation, the criminals lived in the regional center and had previously served sentences for serious crimes, including robbery.

The defendants imposed a "tribute" on local residents, creating artificial conflict situations or under the guise of "debt repayment". Through regular robberies against citizens, the gang members tried to spread their influence in the city and other parts of the region

- the SBU added.

The "racketeers" are currently in custody on suspicion under Part 4 of Article 189 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (extortion committed by an organized group under martial law).

The offenders face up to 12 years behind bars.

Виправдував росіян та організовував провокації у Києво-Печерській лаврі: послушнику УПЦ (МП) оголосили підозру09.02.24, 13:50


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