
Prince Harry and Britney Spears' memoir nominated for the British Book Award

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Prince Harry's memoir "Inner Struggle" and Britney Spears' autobiography "Living in the Light" were nominated for the British Book Award, with Harry's book winning in the categories "Nonfiction: History" and "Nonfiction Audiobook" categories.

Prince Harry's memoir "The Inner Struggle" and singer Britney Spears' autobiographical book "Living in the Light" have been nominated for the British Book Awards. This is an annual competition organized by The Bookseller magazine, the BBC reported, according to UNN.


Prince Harry's book received two nominations: "Nonfiction: History and Nonfiction Audiobook.

It is noted that this is not the first time that members of the royal family have been nominated for such prestigious literary awards. In 1990, Prince Harry's father, the current King Charles III, was named Author of the Year when the award was first presented.

In the Nonfiction: History category, the competition also featured Britney Spears' autobiography, which was published in October 2023 and became one of the best-selling books of the year. In the book, the star talks about her music career, custody of her father, and admits that she had an abortion during her relationship with singer and actor Justin Timberlake.


Also among the nominees:

  • Colin Hoover with his book We Can't Escape;
  • Rebecca Kwan from Zolotushka;
  • Gabrielle Zevin with her novel When Tomorrow Comes;
  • Rebecca Yarros, author of The Fourth Wing. Her book The Iron Hearth was also shortlisted in the fiction category.

Суд призначив принцу Гаррі компенсацію в 178 тис. доларів за хакерську атаку журналістів на його телефон15.12.23, 17:18


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