
Polish carriers plan to resume protests on the border with Ukraine - media

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Polish carriers plan to resume protests on the Polish-Ukrainian border on March 1 by blocking border crossings.

Polish carriers plan to resume the protest on the Polish-Ukrainian border on March 1, which was officially suspended in January, organizers said, RMF 24 reports, UNN writes.


Reportedly, carriers from Lublin and Podkarpackie regions "again want to block the crossings in Hrebenne, Dorohusk and Korchova." "Perhaps the protest will also affect the entrance to the crossing in Medyka," the publication points out.

Carriers complain that Ukrainians are allegedly pushing them out of the market. Starting in November 2023, they are demanding that the obligation to have permits for Ukrainian carriers be restored.

Last week, Polish Minister of Infrastructure Dariusz Klimczak assured that he was mindful of the carriers' demands. All of them are being implemented, the problem of farmers and carriers is extremely similar, he emphasized. Meanwhile, the Polish transportation industry is reportedly waiting for specific legislative acts.

There are neither laws nor rules, said the organizers of the protests in Lublin and Podkarpackie. "We had a message from the Ministry of Infrastructure that a draft law would be presented that would tighten control over Ukrainian carriers, but the following weeks have passed and there is no draft," comments Maciej Wronski, president of the Polish Transport and Logistics Association. According to him, carriers are still protesting, but unofficially.

"Signals from farmers and carriers indicate that if nothing happens on this issue by Thursday, the scale and number of protests on the border with Ukraine can only increase," the newspaper notes.

At the same time, it is noted that "the losses caused by the blocking of Polish-Ukrainian border crossings by carriers, which lasted more than 10 weeks, could amount to several hundred million euros.


Since early February, Polish farmers have been blocking six checkpoints on the border with Ukraine.

According to the State Border Guard Service, there are about 2,200 trucks in queues to enter Ukraine.


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