
Only 40 out of 228 settlements in de-occupied Kherson region are without electricity - RMA

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Only 40 out of 228 settlements in the de-occupied Kherson region are currently without electricity, and 9 settlements are without gas supply.

In the de-occupied territory of Kherson region, out of 228 settlements, only 40 are currently without electricity. There are 9 settlements without gas supply. This was reported by the spokesman of the Kherson RMA Oleksandr Tolokonnikov during a briefing, UNN reports.


He said that yesterday about 150 power engineers were working to restore the damage. And now only 40 out of 228 settlements are without electricity, including Beryslav.

This is our pain, because people there have been living without electricity for a long time. But there are constant drone attacks. Even when we tried to restore the transformers that the Russians destroyed, they constantly target them again with kamikaze drones. Unfortunately, it is not yet possible to restore electricity supply, as well as for other coastal settlements

- Tolokonnikov noted.

He added that water is supplied to coastal settlements using generators or by truck. At the same time, Kherson is provided with water.

According to him, out of 88 gasified settlements in Kherson region, 79 have gas supply.


Over the past day, the enemy shelled 13 settlements in the right-bank Kherson region, including Kherson. As a result of the shelling, we know of one casualty, who suffered minor injuries, mostly acute stress reaction.

Ще шістьох дітей повернули з окупованої території Херсонщини24.05.24, 10:43

Pavlo Bashynskyi



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