
On the eve of the EU elections, the cyber threat from Russia is growing

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Russian-linked hacker groups are increasingly attacking the European cyber infrastructure ahead of the European Parliament elections.

Russian-linked hacker groups are increasingly attacking the European cyber infrastructure ahead of the European Parliament elections, the EU Cybersecurity Agency said, writes UNN with reference to euronews.


Such attackers are called "hacktivists" - these are hackers who are driven not by greed, but by political motives.

"If we assess the threat as a whole, then, according to our observations, the number of attacks by "hacktivists" - whose main task is to disrupt the work of organizations - doubled from the 4th quarter of 2023 to the 1st quarter of 2024," said Johan Lepassaar, head of the EU Cybersecurity Agency (ENISA) .

The goals of such "hacktivists" are not to cause material damage, but to promote certain disinformation and ideology. The EU Cybersecurity Agency assesses this activity as an attempt to influence the outcome of the elections to the European Parliament.

"One of the main problems in Europe is information manipulation and disinformation campaigns by intruders who support the Russian government in connection with the Russian aggressive war. They are trying to sway European voters in a certain direction and misinform them," Lepassaar said.

According to European experts, the Russian trail is also indicated by the fact that many techniques and technologies were first used against Ukraine, and then appeared in European cyberspace.

В ЕС договорились об усилении киберзащиты06.03.2024, 13:54


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