
Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise can determine exactly from which carrier at sea the enemy launches "Kalibr" at Ukraine - Oleksandr Ruvin

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Experts from the Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise can determine exactly which Russian ship fired the Kalibr missiles at Ukraine on a given day.

Specialists of the Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise can accurately determine the carrier used by the enemy to launch Kalibr missiles at Ukraine on a given day. This was reported by Oleksandr Ruvin, Director of Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise, in an interview with the Evening Kyiv newspaper, UNN reports.

According to the Director of Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise, this is necessary so that Ukrainian law enforcement officers can serve a notice of suspicion to the commander who gave the criminal order to launch missiles at Ukraine.

"The occupiers are attacking with Kalibr less and less, because our defenders have cleared the Black Sea of Russian boats. By the way, our experts can determine exactly where the missile was fired from - from a ship or submarine, as well as calculate which vessel and under what command. This is so that law enforcement agencies know exactly who to notify of suspicion," Ruvin said.

He reminded that Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise is currently the only one in Ukraine who can decrypt black boxes from downed occupiers' airplanes and helicopters.

"In particular, we have identified the aircraft that bombed the TV tower in Kharkiv on March 6, 2022, and the airfield from which it took off. The Russian Su-34 bomber was shot down by our defenders, and the pilot managed to eject. He was detained and sentenced to 12 years in prison. Then the Russian pilot was exchanged for many Ukrainian prisoners of war," said the Director of KFI.

He added that documenting Russian war crimes and identifying those who shot and killed Ukrainians is necessary for the International Criminal Court, with whose prosecutors we are in constant contact.

"We also identify tank crew members involved in war crimes. All their cell phone conversations with relatives are not a secret for us.

During the occupation of the Kyiv region, many street surveillance cameras continued to work offline. We analyzed the footage and identified Russian murderers, robbers and rapists. We know where they live in Russia. No one will be able to hide. Sooner or later, all these bastards will be held accountable for every death they caused," Ruvin summarized.

У 2023 році фахівці КНДІСЕ провели 30 тисяч експертиз за фактами російської агресії проти України, які стануть доказами для Міжнародного кримінального суду – Олександр Рувін22.12.23, 12:17


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