
Occupants shelled Kherson region 85 times, there are wounded

 • 30988 переглядiв

Russian troops fired 85 shells and 340 mortar shells at Kherson region on March 6, hitting residential areas and an educational institution, wounding at least one person. The shelling targeted both the city of Kherson and other localities in the region.

Russian troops shelled Kherson region 85 times yesterday, firing 340 shells at its territory. They hit residential areas and an educational institution in Kherson. One person was wounded, said the head of the regional military administration Oleksandr Prokudin, reports UNN.


It is noted that over the past day, the occupation forces fired 85 times in Kherson region, firing 340 shells, using mortars, artillery, MLRS, tanks and  UAVs.

The enemy fired 32 shells at the city of Kherson.

Russian troops shelled residential areas of the region's settlements; an educational institution in Kherson.

One person was injured as a result of Russian aggression.

Бійці ССО знищили ворожу БМП, що обстрілювала правий берег Херсонщини27.01.24, 05:47


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