
NATO and Japan to intensify joint exercises due to the threat of "events in Ukraine already in Asia"

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NATO and Japan have agreed to conduct joint exercises in Euro-Atlantic waters and to increase intelligence sharing out of concern that events similar to the war in Ukraine could occur in Asia.

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg and Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida have agreed to conduct joint exercises in the waters of the Euro-Atlantic region and to strengthen the exchange of confidential information, as the events in Ukraine may have analogues in Asia. This was stated by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg in an interview with Kyodo News.

"The partnership with Japan has become even more important," said NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg.

Following the conclusion of the three-day NATO 75th Anniversary Summit in Washington, D.C., NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg spoke about the growing cooperation between NATO and Japan, highlighting Prime Minister Fumio Kishida's participation in the highest-level discussions for the third year in a row.

Stoltenberg cited Kishida's words that today's events in Ukraine could be repeated in Asia and noted the importance of preventing President Putin's victory in Ukraine as a common task for global security.

США, Південна Корея та Японія засудили поглиблення військової співпраці між КНДР та рф24.06.24, 11:12

"We have some minor exercises, but we would like to expand and do more together with Japan," for example, in the areas of sea and air, Stoltenberg said.

On Thursday, during a face-to-face meeting, Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida and NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg agreed to hold joint exercises between Japan and NATO in Euro-Atlantic waters by the end of the year, as well as to strengthen the exchange of confidential information.

According to a Japanese official, these actions are aimed at deepening cooperation between the parties.

Stoltenberg emphasized the importance of these measures in light of the intensification of defense exercises between some NATO countries, such as the United Kingdom and Germany, and Japan, especially in the context of China's growing influence in the Indo-Pacific region.

In addition, NATO and Japan have launched a series of initiatives aimed at using artificial intelligence and countering disinformation, which were described as "flagship". Stoltenberg also welcomed Japan's initiative to hold a meeting of NATO Allies next spring to discuss counter-disinformation measures, emphasizing the importance of this issue in light of the activities of China and Russia.

He expressed a desire to develop closer technological cooperation with Japan, given the blurring of the boundaries between civilian and military technologies, and emphasized the potential for mutually beneficial partnership in the defense industry.


Earlier it was reported that as Russia deepens ties with North Korea, Japan is seeking to strengthen cooperation with NATO.

Ізраїльські військові ліквідували заступника командира батальйону ХАМАС Аймана Швейду в результаті авіаудару в Газі12.07.24, 23:33


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