
NABU expert examinations in the case against Solsky: where detectives applied

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NABU expertise in the case against Solsky: where detectives applied.

The National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine has repeatedly found itself in "awkward situations" due to conducting expert examinations as part of the investigation of cases. There was also a scandal in the criminal proceedings against the former minister of Agrarian Policy Mykola Solsky, when anti-corruption officers tried to hide an expert examination that testified not in their favor. Journalists UNN decided to find out if the detectives tried to hide other studies in this case.

UNN sent a number of requests to expert institutions across Ukraine to find out whether NABU detectives ordered land management expertise in the case in which Solsky was suspected.

Part of the expert regulations reported in response to a request from UNNthat the NABU did not apply to them with a request to conduct any expert examinations in the framework of this case. In particular, the Kiev research forensic center, the Institute of forensic examinations named after Professor M. S. Bokarius and the Sumy research Forensic Center reported that they did not conduct research in this case.

Another part of the charter referred to the fact that this information is a secret of the pre-trial investigation and without the permission of the person who appointed these experts, it is impossible to get a response to the request.

At the same time, in response to a request from UNN, the Kiev Research Institute of forensic examinations (KNIISE) reported that the institute received NABU decisions on the appointment of forensic examinations in the case against Solsky. However, since the information is protected by the secrecy of the investigation, journalists cannot provide details.


Back in May 2022, NABU applied to independent forensic expertise and Assessment LLC to conduct an expert examination on land management issues in the framework of the case, which announced suspicion to ex-minister of Agricultural Policy Mykola Solsky. However, having learned that the results would not be in favor of detectives, the NABU began to accuse experts of violating the terms of conducting an expert examination and refuse it. Detectives even tried to prove their case through the court, but twice Lost the case in court. The expert who prepared the above-mentioned conclusion, in a comment to UNN, said that this is the first such case in his practice.


High-profile NABU cases are often closed by VAKS as unsubstantiated. For example, the cases of Rotterdam+ and former Infrastructure Minister Vladimir Omelyan. According to lawyer Iryna Odinets, the NABU lost in court, because during the investigation, detectives in these cases "drew" forensic examinations in friendly private offices, and then manipulated them. Vladimir Omelyan himself also noted that detectives attracted "dubious experts" during the investigation of the case against him.


One of the recent "high-profile" cases of NABU, which raises more and more questions, is criminal proceedings against the former minister of Agrarian Policy Mykola Solsky.

The case of anti-corruption officers concerns a dispute over land plots in the Sumy region, but, as it turned out, neither he nor affiliated persons have the incriminated land. Law enforcement officers, at the request of UNN, did not specify what exactly the ex-minister took possession of in this case. However, loud statements have already become the reason for the breakdown of negotiations with the poles.

Lilia Podolyak



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