
MV-10 heavy mine clearance machine has successfully passed certification

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The Ukrainian company a3tesh-Ukraine has received a certificate of conformity for the MV-10 mine clearance vehicle and an order for 8 such vehicles, while it plans to localize 100% of the components by the end of the year and produce up to 60 vehicles annually.

The Ukrainian company "A3tesh-Ukraine" received a certificate of conformity for the MV-10 mine clearance vehicle and an order for 8 such vehicles. This was reported in the Ministry of Economy, writes UNN.

"It is important for us that it is the Ukrainian company that manufactures components and assembles machines that clear our land. The demand for such equipment for Humanitarian Demining from sappers is very high and we expect that thanks to the support of partners on the one hand, and the capabilities of Ukrainian manufacturers on the other, we will be able to both increase the number of mine clearance machines working in the fields and improve the quality of their service. We hope that in parallel with the localization of foreign technologies, there will be more Ukrainian developments for mine clearance," said First Deputy Prime Minister – Minister of economy of Ukraine Yulia Sviridenko.

A3tech currently manufactures up to 40% of the components in the MV-10 robot body and plans to reach 100% by the end of the year. In total, the company can produce up to 60 such machines per year.

Two more Ukrainian enterprises that produce some of the components for cars and trawls for their transportation were also involved in the work.

Currently, there are 17 DOCKING MV-10 heavy mine clearance vehicles operating in Ukraine. specialists of the State Emergency Service, DSST and the Swiss Mine Action Foundation use these vehicles mainly in Mykolaiv, Kherson and Kharkiv regions.

"As of the end of May, 850 hectares of Ukrainian land were cleared with the help of these vehicles and more than 4,500 mines, cluster munitions and other types of explosive objects were destroyed," the Ministry of Economy writes.


Since the beginning of the Russian full-scale invasion, the Ministry of defense of Ukraine has commissioned more than 100 new samples of domestic ammunition. Medium-sized small arms ammunition, melee weapons, mortar shells, artillery shells of various calibers and purposes.

Iryna Kolesnik



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    MV-10 heavy mine clearance machine has successfully passed certification

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