
More than a million veterans will return to economically active life in the future - Ministry of Economy

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The Ministry of Economy predicts that more than a million veterans will become economically active in the future, so the labor market must adapt to their needs. This was stated by Deputy Minister of Economy Tetiana Berezhna in a commentary to a journalist of UNN.

We need to understand that it is not veterans who need to adapt to the labor market, but the labor market that needs to adapt to veterans, prepare teams and jobs. Veterans are more than one million people who will become economically active in the future 

- Berezhna said.

According to her, not all businesses are ready to hire veterans, and those that have built their operations correctly understand the responsibility.

Ветерани можуть отримати гранти у 15 тис. євро по програмі ЄС для розвитку свого бізнесу18.05.24, 17:24

"Veterans have extraordinary potential, as they are able to make difficult decisions and take responsibility," added the Deputy Minister of Economy.


The full-scale Russian invasion has further exacerbated the problem of mental health of Ukrainians and brought it to the national level. This applies to almost all segments of the population and social groups without exception, but primarily to veterans of the Russian-Ukrainian war. Statistics showthat psychological work with veterans should be a key element of their return to civilian life. 


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