
Ministry of Health: 585 organ transplants were performed in Ukraine in 2023

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In 2023, 585 organ transplants were performed in Ukraine, which indicates an increase in the number of different types of transplants and the inclusion of transplant packages in the national healthcare program.

During In 2023, 585 organ transplants were performed in Ukraine. Doctors successfully transplant hearts, lungs, kidneys, liver, and pancreas, and the number of bone marrow transplants has also increased. This was reported by the by the press service of the Ministry of Health, UNN reports .

The Ministry of Health's pilot transplantation project, which lasted three years, has come to an end. As part of the project, 316 organ transplants were performed in 2021, 384 in 2022, and 585 in 2023. Given these incredible results, this year transplant packages were included in the NHSU Medical Guarantee Program,

- the statement said.


It is noted that doctors have successfully mastered new types of transplants and for the first time performed unique operations for the country: transplanted the pancreas, performed a split liver transplant (the donor organ was divided and transplanted into two recipients), and without the help of foreign colleagues transplanted a patient's lungs without the help of foreign colleagues.

The number of bone marrow transplants has increased. bone marrow transplants. In 2022, 223 stem cell transplants were performed, and in 340 in 2023, including 43 from unrelated donors.

The number of of lifetime consents for posthumous donation and consents for donation of relatives who who have been diagnosed with brain death.


The Ministry of Health also emphasized that medicines in the post-transplantation period have become even more affordable. Since February 2023, immunosuppression drugs immunosuppression drugs have been included in the register of medicines subject to reimbursement - they can be obtained free of charge or with a small surcharge. This opportunity has already been taken advantage of by 1055 patients, with 4459 prescriptions issued.


As previously reported by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, from January 2024 transplantation of of organs and bone marrow will be funded by the National Health Service of Ukraine (NHSU). Health Service of Ukraine (NHSU) within the framework of the Medical guarantees.

В Україні схвалено створення системи трансплантації гемопоетичних стовбурових клітин23.11.23, 03:28

Olga Rozgon



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