
Ministry of Defense specialists collected 55 tons of scrap metal from the remains of Russian military equipment in the Kharkiv sector

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Defense Ministry specialists collected 55 tons of scrap metal from the remains of Russian military equipment in Kharkiv region, which will be delivered to a base in Poltava region for further processing.

Specialists of the Department of Alienation and Utilization of Surplus Military Property of the Ministry of Defense collected 55 tons of scrap metal from the remains of Russian military equipment in the Kharkiv sector. The scrap metal will be delivered to a base in Poltava region, the Ministry of Defense reports, UNN .


Specialists of the Department of Alienation and Utilization of Surplus Military Property of the Ministry of Defense collected 55 tons of conversion scrap metal (scrap of military origin) in the Kharkiv sector. Remnants of Russian tanks and armored vehicles were brought to a base in Poltava region for further examination of metal quality and sending for processing

- the statement said.

Oleh Koval, Head of the Department for Alienation and Utilization of Surplus Military Property at the Ministry of Defense, noted that despite the dangerous conditions in which explosive experts and the military have to work, there are already results. According to him, the trophy equipment that could be put into service or used as a donor was taken from the fields immediately.

Today, the liberated territories are left with hardware that is suitable for museums or for disposal. The task of the Ministry of Defense is to register this equipment as scrap metal and then process it for sale on the domestic market. In addition, we are working within the legal framework to attract opportunities to enter the foreign market, as the law on scrap metal currently prohibits the export of military scrap abroad

 ," Koval added.


In the occupied Donetsk region, Russians are unable to ensure the proper functioning of water supply systems, so they are destroying utilities like metal.


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