
May 30: women's Emancipation Day, World Asthma and allergy day

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Today, on May 30, in many countries of the world, representatives of the fairer sex can join events on the occasion of women's Emancipation Day. According to one version, the event is connected with one of the greatest women in the history of mankind, Joan of Arc.

Today, on May 30, in many countries of the world, representatives of the fairer sex can join events on the occasion of the day of women's Emancipation, writes UNN.

According to one version, the event is connected with one of the greatest women in the history of mankind, Joan of Arc, who led the French resistance to the British during the Hundred Years ' War, and who was burned at the stake on May 30, 1431.  according to another version, the event originates in Germany, where the law on the legal status of women officials was voted on May 30, 1932.

In a broad modern sense, "Emancipation" means that women receive equal rights with men in public, work and family life. It provides for women to receive the right to education, the right to vote and be elected to government bodies, not the opportunity to hold any position and receive an equal salary with men.

At the initiative of the World Health Organization, events dedicated to the World Day against asthma and allergies are being held on May 30.

Statistics show that in the world, more than 40% of the population has certain signs of allergies. This is due to the deterioration of the environment, reduced food quality, daily use of cosmetics and household chemicals. Allergies are especially dangerous because they can develop into bronchial asthma.

Asthma is a chronic disease of the bronchi – the pathways through which air enters and exits the lungs. Bronchial asthma is one of the most common chronic diseases in the world. According to statistics, it affects more than 5% of the adult population and 10% of children.

Since 2017, Ukraine has been celebrating steppe day on May 30 at the initiative of environmentalists.

The steppe zone is located in the southern part of Ukraine and occupies about 40% of its area. It has a flat territory.

The landscapes of None of the natural zones of Ukraine are changed in the same way as the steppe ones. The main massifs of the steppe were plowed at the end of the XVIII century. Continuous plowing of virgin land (arable land accounts for almost 90 %) has led to a decrease in natural steppe vegetation and impoverishment of the animal world.

Pet lovers can celebrate International cat cuddling day today. This day is an extra reason to show your love and tenderness for your furry pets.

According to the church calendar, today is the day of remembrance of St. Isaac the Confessor, who lived in the IV century.

After taking monastic vows, Isaac became an ascetic, solitary lifestyle. Subsequently, he founded a monastery near Constantinople. The man resolutely fought against heresy. For this, the enemies threw him into a deep moat with mud, from which Isaac miraculously managed to get out. Isaac died at a very old age.

Name days on May 30 are celebrated by Isaac, Jacob, Vasily.


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May 30: women's Emancipation Day, World Asthma and allergy day

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