
Lviv region to launch a pilot project to reform the social component in the work of TCCs and JVs

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Lviv region will become the first region of Ukraine to implement an interministerial project to reform the Territorial Recruitment and Social Support Centers (TSCs and SPs). This was reported by the Lviv Regional State Administration, UNN reports.


This decision was made during a forum dedicated to the provision of psychosocial services, which took place on February 9 in Lviv.

У Львові та області працівники ТЦК будуть використовувати бодікамери31.01.24, 13:37

Maksym Kozytskyi, the head of the Lviv Regional Military Commissariat , said that due to this reform , the TCCs and JVs will also start to perform a social function and will not be associated exclusively with mobilization.

In particular, this initiative will help improve the skills of specialists at the Territorial Recruitment and Social Support Centers.

The first three communities to implement this model of work will soon be identified.

Next week we will select the first three communities to implement this model. We want to create a network at the regional level similar to the one with administrative service centers. And, in addition to mobilization, we will introduce a social support function in the territorial recruitment centers that will fully work for the families of military personnel and veterans

- Maksym Kozytskyi shared. 


The IBA emphasized that since 2023, the demand for social issues in the activities of TP and JVs has increased significantly.

Омбудсмен проти надання додаткових повноважень ТЦК 25.01.24, 11:58

It is noted that Specialists of the Coordination Centers for Civilian Support, which the Lviv Regional Military Administration deployed in all districts of the region to provide humanitarian, legal, psychological and other assistance, began to visit the communities of the region with explanatory meetings.

These meetings involve specialists from all the services that our soldiers, veterans and their families most often have questions about. People are helped to solve their problems on the spot. And if the situation is more complicated, they are clearly told where to turn. 

The work of these offices is very relevant, but we have taken over what other services should do. For example, the same territorial centers for recruitment and social support," emphasized the head of Lviv region.

- emphasized the head of the Lviv Regional Military Administration.


The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has granted the right to territorial recruitment and social support centers to operate around the clock (TSCs and SPs).

Volodymyr Omelchenko



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