
Lubinets urges foreign media not to cover pseudo-elections in the occupied territories of Ukraine

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The Ombudsman calls on foreign media not to cover the illegitimate pseudo-elections in the Russian-occupied territories of Ukraine, as they violate international law and travel there is legally prohibited and dangerous.

The Verkhovna Rada Commissioner for Human Rights Dmytro Lubinets called on international partners and foreign journalists not to participate in the coverage of events related to the pseudo-elections in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine. The ombudsman said this in his Telegram channel, UNN reports .


The Ombudsman noted that since 2014, the enemy has been trying to achieve its military and political goals in Ukraine, including through propaganda campaigns aimed not only at Russians, but also at Ukrainians and the international audience.

This is becoming more acute on the eve of the pseudo-elections of the "president" of the aggressor country in the TOT. The occupiers are using their propaganda media and Kremlin mouthpieces to cover these "elections" and are also trying to involve foreign journalists. The goal remains the same - to create the appearance of legitimacy not only for the domestic audience, but also for citizens of other countries. Therefore, I appeal to international partners and foreign journalists: do not participate in the coverage of events in the TOT of Ukraine related to the pseudo-elections,

- Lubinets noted.

He emphasized that "Ukraine is independent and sovereign, and the Russian "elections" in the TOT are illegitimate.

They ("elections" - ed.) violate international humanitarian law. In addition, traveling to the TOT of Ukraine is legally prohibited through the territory of Russia. It can also be dangerous for your life, as there are ongoing hostilities and Russian soldiers with weapons walking the streets,

- Lubinets said.


According to the Center for National Resistance, the Kremlin hopes for a 30% turnout in the occupied Ukrainian territories in the fake presidential elections, but for the general public, Russians will "draw" more than 70%.


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