
Lost with one shot: Ukrainian Sabre fighters won silver at the European Fencing Championships

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The Ukrainian women's sabre fencing team won the silver medal of the European Championship, losing in the final to France with a score of 44:45.

Ukrainian Sabre fighters became vice-champions of Europe in fencing, reports UNN with reference to the NOC.


According to the NOC, the Ukrainian team consisting of Olga Harlan, Alina Komashchuk, Elena Kravatskaya and Yulia Bakastova started their way to medals in the 1/4 finals. The girls held two intense confrontations: first they defeated the Bulgarians (45:42), and then, in the 1/2 final, they defeated ugorok (45:41).

In the final, the Ukrainian women crossed arms with the world ranking leaders — the French team. In a difficult fight, our Sabre players won silver awards, losing to their opponents with one shot — 44:45.

For Olga Harlan, this is the 22nd medal of the European Championship, for Alina Komashchuk-the 5th, for Elena Kravatskaya — the 4th, for Yulia Bakastova-the 3rd. 

Українська шаблістка Ольга Харлан здобула срібло на етапі Кубка світу з фехтування на шаблях19.05.24, 01:18

Antonina Tumanova



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