
Latvia begins the process of deporting almost 1000 russian citizens

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Latvia has begun deporting 985 russian citizens who failed to comply with immigration laws, including failing to pass a language exam or apply for a residence permit. So far, only two people have been forcibly deported.

Latvia has begun the process of deporting 985 russian citizens who have not fulfilled the requirements of the country's immigration legislation. This was reported by Postimees, according to UNN.


It is noted that in order to reside in Latvia, russians had to pass a language test or apply for another type of residence permit. All those who do not meet these criteria received a letter asking them to leave the country or to apply for a legal stay within two weeks.

Then we send the information to the State Border Guard to check the last declared place of residence: whether the person is there or not,

- explained the head of the Department for Citizenship and Migration Affairs, Myra Rose.

russians can also try to obtain a different type of residence permit, for example, on the basis of marriage or family members living in Latvia.

Now we are talking about voluntary departure from the country. This means that everyone should be given the right to leave the country voluntarily. This does not apply to cases of threats to state security. However, if a person does nothing and does not file an appeal, they can also be deported forcibly,

- Rose said.

So far, only two russian citizens have been forcibly deported.

Of course, there will be other forced deportations. But how many? Practice will tell. It will not happen overnight. Probably, some people hope that someone will solve their problems for them,

- said Gunārs Kutris, a member of the Seimas and chairman of the Committee on Citizenship, Migration and Social Cohesion.


The Department of Citizenship and Migration notes that some of the 985 russian citizens have already left Latvia. Border guards have data on those who crossed the border from russia or belarus, but there is no information on those who left through the Schengen area.


Latvia has nationalized the House of Moscow in Riga, which was previously used by russia to spread propaganda to help Ukraine.

Латвія конфіскувала у п'яних водіїв та передала Україні автомобілі майже на мільйон євро25.12.23, 10:17


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