
Last night, the 53rd exchange was completed, a total of 3310 Ukrainians have been returned from Russian captivity - Yusov

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100 Ukrainians, including military and civilians, were returned from Russian captivity as part of the 53rd prisoner exchange since the beginning of Russia's full-scale invasion, bringing the total number of released Ukrainians to 3,310.

This night marked the 53rd exchange since the start of full-scale Russian aggression, with 100 Ukrainians, both military and civilian, returned. Since 2022, 3310 Ukrainians, including civilians, have been returned from Russian captivity. Andriy Yusov, a representative of the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine, said this during the telethon, UNN reports .


Last night, the operation was completed, marking the 53rd exchange since the start of full-scale Russian aggression. This means that 100 Ukrainians, both military and civilians, have returned as part of this exchange. In total, 3310 Ukrainians have been returned from Russian captivity since the beginning of the full-scale war as part of the work of the Coordination Center for the Treatment of Prisoners of War

- Yusov said.

He added that the fact that civilian Ukrainians are returning from Russian captivity is a blatant proof to the whole world that the Russian war against Ukrainians is a genocidal war.

The enemy commits war crimes and ignores humanitarian law. These people should not have been held in captivity and their rights should not have been restricted. The fault of these people is that they did not submit to the Russian occupation

- Yusov added.

Yusov also noted that two priests, Bohdan Geleta and Ivan Levytsky, were arrested and held in extremely difficult conditions and arrested while praying for representing the Ukrainian church.

Nariman Dzhelal was arrested for not renouncing his Crimean Tatar and Ukrainian identities.

Olena Pekh is a museum employee and teacher. Actually, you can say that about all of them. These are people who should not have been in any Russian captivity

- Yusov added.

The DIU representative added that Ukrainian civilians are held in places not intended for this purpose and they are held outside the legal system of the aggressor state.


On Friday, June 28, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy announced that Ukraine had managed to return ten more people from Russian captivity . Among them is Nariman Dzhelial, deputy head of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people.


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