
Kuleba: Ukraine together with its partners should increase weapons production

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Ukraine's Foreign Minister Kuleba emphasizes the need to increase arms production and strengthen military cooperation with allies in response to Russia's war

In the war unleashed by Russia, Ukraine relies on building up the military industry in its own country and among its allies. This was stated by Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba on Sunday on a German broadcaster, UNN reports, citing Der Spiegel.

Ukraine, together with its partners, should also increase weapons production

- Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba said, referring to similar statements from Moscow.

According to him, Ukraine and its allies should act together as a military coalition. 

"Like a military coalition. Like brothers in arms," tagesschau quoted Kuleba as saying.

"We must remain determined, stick together, support each other," he said.

According to tagesschau, answering a question about Hungarian Prime Minister Orban's blocking of further EU aid, Kuleba said: "Ukraine can handle all this." Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy also returned from a trip to the United States with encouraging signals. The start of negotiations on Ukraine's accession to the EU could convince the US to make further assistance possible, Kuleba said.

Кулеба розповів, що потрібно Україні для помітного прогресу на передовій14.12.23, 12:21


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