
Kravchenko called on law enforcement officers to check information about millions of losses during the construction of roads and social institutions in the Kiev region

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The head of the Kiev RMA Ruslan Kravchenko appealed to law enforcement agencies with a request to investigate possible losses in the amount of UAH 14 million during the construction of roads and infrastructure in the Kiev region in 2019-2021 due to overestimation of the cost of work and materials by contractors.

The head of the Kiev RMA Ruslan Kravchenko appealed to law enforcement officers with a statement regarding the verification of information about  causing losses of UAH 14 million during the construction of roads and social institutions in the Kiev region.


I appealed to the Kyiv regional prosecutor's office with a request to conduct a comprehensive check of information on damage caused by UAH 14 million during the construction of roads and social institutions in the Kyiv region, which were carried out during 2019-2021

 - says the description.

According to him, during this period, violations were revealed based on the results of the state audit service of Ukraine conducting an audit of certain issues of financial and economic activities of the Regional Development Department of KRSA during January 1, 2019-June 30, 2023.

Kravchenko said that violations led to losses of financial and material resources.

In particular, we are talking about overstating by UAH 10 million the cost and volume of works, services, prices for materials, the number of building materials used by contractors during major road repairs. Another UAH 4 million will be spent on social infrastructure facilities, in particular, kindergartens, swimming pools, and hospitals. In total, the Department of regional development involved 12 contractors in the work. 

Some of the identified violations in the amount of 300 thousand UAH have already been eliminated.  

Despite the fact that the identified violations relate to the period before I headed the Kiev regional state administration, I applied to the prosecutor's office with a statement about committing a criminal offense in accordance with article 214 of the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine. The prosecutor's office should thoroughly verify the facts set out in the Gasu documents and, if confirmed, bring the perpetrators to justice. We are talking about both contractors and former employees of the DRR   

- emphasized the chairman of the Kiev RMA. 


Kravchenko said that measures are currently being taken at the level of the Kiev RSA. In particular, the Department of regional development has already sent a claim to contractors for compensation for the damage caused.

In case of non-compliance with the requirement, the DRR will apply to the court. In addition, the DRR will reimburse the regional budget for the inflated cost of technical supervision services for a number of facilities.

He has repeatedly stressed that transparency, accountability and efficient use of funds during construction is a priority. I constantly demand this from the relevant department, districts, communities and all contractors

- said the head of RMA Ruslan Kravchenko. 

СБУ, ДБР та КНДІСЕ: Кравченко розповів про рівні перевірок фортифікацій на Київщині09.06.24, 10:50


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