
Jenna Ortega promises action and horror scenes in the second season of "Venzday"

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Actress Jenna Ortega hints that the upcoming second season of Netflix's Wendy's will feature more horror elements. Production is due to start in April and the release is expected in the second half of 2024.

The 21-year-old actress has already read the new scripts and said that the second season of Venzdey will be no less ambitious than the first.

This is reported by UNN with reference to Movie Pilot, Hollywood Reporter and Variety.


While Netflix viewers are eagerly awaiting the second season of the popular Veep series, the lead actress Jenna Ortega is fueling interest in its release by talking about changes in the new episodes.

After reviewing the scripts for Wednesday's new season, the actress noted that each episode is "like a movie" and that "we're definitely leaning a little more toward horror.

I have some scripts for season two and we're definitely moving towards more horror. It's very, very exciting because throughout the series, although Wensday needs a little bit of a change, she never changes, and that's what's great about her

- Ortega said.

Ікона моди 90-х: Кейт Мосс виповнюється 50 років16.01.24, 15:14

According to the movie star, "There are some really, really good lines, and I think it's gotten bigger.


It is already known that fans can expect the return of the duo of Jenna Ortega (Wensday) and Emma Myers (Enid).

According to Variety, production of the second season of Veep is to begin in April, and it is expected to be released no earlier than the second half of 2024. Netflix has not announced an official date.

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UNN reported that Netflix's Veep has been renewed for a second season after receiving more than 1.02 billion hours of total viewership in the third week after its debut.

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Ihor Telezhnikov



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