
It will help to obtain the necessary medicines: The Ministry of Defense has agreed to cooperate with the State Service of Ukraine on Medicines

 • 38544 переглядiв

The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine has joined a working group that is considering granting permission to military units to use narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances to provide medical care to wounded soldiers.

Representatives of the Ministry of Defense are joining a working group that is considering the issue of allowing military units to use narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and precursors. This was stated by the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, UNN reports.


The agency said that it is part of a program of cooperation between the Ministry of Defense and the State Service of Ukraine on Medicines and Drug Control. 

The Memorandum of Partnership and Cooperation was signed by Deputy Minister of Defense of Ukraine Natalia Kalmykova and Head of the State Service of Ukraine on Medicines and Drugs Roman Isayenko.

Last week, the first license to work in combat conditions with narcotic drugs and precursors was issued. This license allows to obtain the necessary medicines to provide medical care to wounded servicemen at the pre-hospital stage in a regulated manner

- Kalmykova summarized .

The ministry emphasizes that strengthening cooperation with the State Service of Ukraine on Medicines will allow for a more efficient launch of the new system and regulation of drug trafficking.


Deputy Minister of Defense of Ukraine Natalia Kalmykova has signed memorandums of cooperation with five non-governmental organizations to improve tactical medicine, rehabilitation and medical evacuation of wounded soldiers.

"Укрзалізниця" запустить ще чотири санітарних вагони для потреб ЗСУ - Міноборони16.02.24, 20:02


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