
It is working: Zelenskiy says the world's resolve opens new prospects for restoring security in Ukraine

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The Head of State said that the world's determination opened new prospects for restoring security in Ukraine. Among other things, this concerns the security of Kharkiv.

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy said that the world's determination opens up new prospects for restoring security in Ukraine, UNN reports.

We see how the world's determination opens up new prospects for restoring our security. Among other things, this concerns the security of Kharkiv. The destruction of Russian terrorists' positions and launchers near the border by our forces and our soldiers really matters. It is working. Exactly as we expected 

- Zelensky said during his evening address.


The President also honored Ukrainian soldiers.

"All those who managed to turn this page of the war - a page that Putin really wanted to dedicate to his offensive and which became another mistake for Russia. Each and everyone who defends the Kharkiv direction, who restrains Russian assaults in Pokrovske and other Donetsk directions, and along the entire front - from Krynky to Vovchansk, and along the border, in particular in Sumy region," Zelensky said.

Україна готує приєднання держав до підсумкового комюніке Саміту: Зеленський анонсував нові кроки заради миру17.06.24, 19:22

The Head of State noted that "it is Ukrainian courage and resilience that determine the situation - what we can do, not what Russia wants or tried to do.

"This is another significant result of Ukraine and our people in this war, and I thank each and every one of them who is truly fulfilling combat orders and combat missions. I am grateful to all those who are taking the brunt of repulsing Russian attacks. I am grateful to everyone who has helped and continues to help," the President summarized.


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