
Israel proposes a two-month ceasefire

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Israel is proposing a two-month ceasefire in Gaza, the longest offer it has made to Hamas, in exchange for the release of all hostages, Axios reports. The proposal comes amid efforts by Egyptian, Qatari and American mediators to negotiate a deal.

Israel is offering a two-month ceasefire in exchange for the release of all hostages. This was reported by two sources to the American news site Axios, UNN reports. They say that the offer was made through Egyptian and Qatari intermediaries.


It is known that at least 130 hostages are still trapped in Gaza.

Although the proposal does not contain a ceasefire agreement, it is the longest ceasefire period that Israel has offered Hamas.

President Biden's advisor Brett McGurk traveled to Egypt on Sunday and will continue to Qatar for talks aimed at making progress in negotiations to secure the release of hostages held by Hamas.

For weeks, Qatari and Egyptian mediators have been trying to overcome differences between the parties to make progress on the deal.

U.S. officials told Axios that reaching such an agreement may be the only way to bring about a ceasefire in Gaza.

Israeli officials said they were waiting for a response from Hamas, but emphasized that they were cautiously optimistic that progress could be made in the coming days.

the statement reads


According to the proposal, the deal would include the release of all surviving hostages and the return of the bodies of the dead in several stages. The first stage will include the release of women, men over 60, and hostages in critical condition.

The next steps will include the release of female soldiers, men under the age of 60 who are not military personnel, male Israeli soldiers, and the bodies of hostages.

Under the proposed deal, Israel and Hamas would agree in advance on how many Palestinian prisoners would be released for each Israeli hostage in each category, and then separate negotiations would take place over the names of those prisoners

officials said.

Israeli officials said that the proposal makes it clear that Israel will not agree to end the war and will not agree to release all 6,000 Palestinian prisoners from Israeli jails.

Нетаньяху відкинув звільнення ізраїльських заручників на умовах ХАМАС22.01.24, 02:20

Lilia Podolyak

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