
Iranian MP confirms missile deliveries to Russia, Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman denies it

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A member of Iran's parliament confirms the supply of ballistic missiles to Russia in exchange for food. The Iranian Foreign Ministry denies these claims, calling them “baseless” and insisting on neutrality in the conflict.

Iranian MP Ahmad Bakhshayesh Ardestani confirmed media reports that Tehran had supplied ballistic missiles to Russia. At the same time, Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Qanaani denied this.

This was reported by UNN with reference to Iran International.

Ahmad Bahshayesh Ardestani, a member of the parliamentary committee on national security and foreign policy, acknowledged Iran's military assistance to Russia less than 24 hours after Iran's mission to the UN denied The Wall Street Journal's report that long-range ballistic missiles were delivered to Russia.

We have to barter to meet our needs, including imports of soybeans and wheat. Part of the barter involves sending missiles, and another part involves sending military drones to Russia

- Ardestani said in an interview with Didban Iran on Saturday.

Удар по складу боєприпасів у воронезькій області знищив випрошені москвою у КНДР ракети - ЦПД РНБО07.09.24, 14:42

When asked whether sending ballistic missiles to Russia could lead to further sanctions against Iran, the lawmaker replied:

It cannot be worse than it is. We give missiles to Hezbollah, Hamas and Hashd al-Shaabi, so why not to Russia? We sell weapons and get dollars. We circumvent sanctions through our partnership with Russia. We import soybeans, corn and other goods from Russia. Europeans sell weapons to Ukraine. NATO has gone into Ukraine, so why shouldn't we support our ally in sending missiles and drones to Russia?

- said Ardestani.

At the same time, Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Qanaani told IRNA that accusations of Iranian ballistic missiles being transferred to Russia are allegedly “baseless” and are repeated by some Western states, in his opinion, for political purposes.

As has been repeatedly emphasized, the Islamic Republic of Iran, while opposing the war, supports a political solution to resolve the differences between Russia and Ukraine to end the conflict. Iran has never been a part of the conflict and its continuation

- he said cynically.


According to The Wall Street Journal, Iran has transferred short-range ballistic missiles to Russia , but the number and date of the transfer are not known. According to the Institute for the Study of War, Iran agreed to the exchange in exchange for Su-35 fighter jets.

МЗС відреагувало на можливу передачу Іраном балістичних ракет рф: попередило Тегеран про руйнівні наслідки для відносин07.09.24, 12:25

In February 2024, Reuters reported that Iran had supplied Russia with about 400 surface-to-surface ballistic missiles. 

Anna Murashko



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