
Iran announces date for election of new president

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Iran announced June 28 as the date for the election of a new president after the death of President Ibrahim Raisi in a plane crash.

Iran has been informed of the date of the election of a new president, which will be held out of turn, as a result of the death of the country's leader Ibrahim Raisi in a plane crash, the state Iranian news agency IRNA reports UNN.


It is stated that the heads of the branches of power, having studied the timing of the election process, chose June 28 as the date for the election of the new head of state. Candidate registration will take place from May 30 to June 3, and the campaign period will last from June 12 to 27.

Article 131 of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran provides for the formation of a council to manage the country's executive affairs for a period of 50 days and preparation for the presidential elections

the statement said.

Ayatollah Seyyed Ibrahim Raisi was the eighth president of Iran, elected to office in the 13th presidential election in 2021.

Смерть президента Ірану: авіакатастрофа сталася через технічну несправність вертольота20.05.24, 19:38

Lilia Podolyak



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