
Invaders forcibly gather children and state employees to watch pro-Kremlin propaganda films

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The invaders forcibly gather children and state employees in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine to watch Soviet-era propaganda films about World War II, trying to "brainwash them" with the Kremlin's version of events.

The invaders forcibly gather children and state employees to watch films about the "Second World War" in order to once again brainwash them with Kremlin propaganda. This is reported by the Center for National Resistance, reports UNN.


In the best Soviet traditions, the enemy continues to impose love on the Kremlin Empire and its crimes. Instead of enjoying the summer holidays, the children were gathered by local collaborators in rural clubs to forcibly watch films about the "Great Patriotic War".

Films such as "Eleven silent men", "battle for moscow", "battle for Sevastopol", "T-34" and "soldiers went to bat"were included in the mandatory viewing. These films were shown in cramped and hot rooms, where not only children, but also employees of state-funded institutions were present.

Thus, the invaders systematically brainwash the population in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine, trying to root in the minds of local residents their version of the "truth" about the Nazis and Bandera.

Two weeks ago, the invaders also organized a contest "songs about their native country" with obvious Nazi motives, in which they forcibly attracted local schoolchildren, continuing to use children for their propaganda purposes.

кремлівська індоктринація: на загарбаних територіях України презентують новий підручник історії07.05.24, 03:20

Julia Kotvitskaya



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