
Invaders export stolen Ukrainian grain from Kherson region to Karelia in containers of Chinese companies

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The invaders illegally export stolen Ukrainian grain from the occupied Kherson region to the Republic of Karelia, using containers belonging to Chinese and Kazakh logistics companies to circumvent international sanctions.

Grain from the occupied Kherson region is illegally exported to the Republic of Karelia. The invaders use containers belonging to Chinese and Kazakh logistics companies, which are used to circumvent international sanctions and facilitate deliveries from third countries. This is reported by the "Yellow Ribbon", writes UNN

"The invaders are exporting grain from the Kherson region to the Republic of Karelia!"- write in the group.

Про судна та зернотрейдери, що вивозили крадене українське зерно з порту Маріуполя - Bihus.Info08.04.24, 21:12

Activists from the Yellow Ribbon group write that grain containers are being sent to the Republic of Karelia. These containers belong to Chinese and Kazakh logistics companies, which are used to circumvent sanctions and ensure the transportation of goods from third countries.

"The invaders use stolen grain from Ukraine as a 'currency' to pay for the import of sanctioned goods, "they write.

рф продає крадене українське зерно до Туреччини - розслідування Financial Times30.10.22, 15:13 • [views_280785]


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