
In Vinnytsia region, rescuers recover the body of a man who went missing in December 2023 from a pond

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Rescuers in the Vinnytsia region pulled out the body of a 57-year-old man from a pond, who had been searched for by law enforcement since December 2023.

In the Vinnytsia region, the rescue service pulled a 57-year-old drowning man who went missing in December 2023 out of a pond. This was reported by the State Emergency Service of Ukraine, UNN reports.


Today, at 11:35 a.m., rescuers in Vinnytsia Oblast received a report that a person was in a pond in the village of Lypivka.

Emergency workers arrived at the scene and pulled the man's body out of the pond without any signs of life.

The deceased was identified as a 57-year-old local resident who disappeared in December 2023.


Law enforcers are investigating the circumstances of the deceased's death, as police had been searching for the man since he disappeared.

Дістали тіла двох потопельників та врятували "фігуриста"-екстремала: рятувальники про ситуацію на водоймах на Київщині та Дніпропетровщині30.01.24, 18:27


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