
In Vinnytsia, a lyceum damaged by a missile strike in 2022 was repaired "on paper"

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It was reported that a lyceum damaged by a rocket attack in Vinnytsia in 2022 had been repaired, but an investigation revealed that no repairs had actually been made.

In Vinnytsia, the mayor of which is an ally of former Prime Minister Volodymyr Groysman, Serhiy Morgunov, Lyceum No. 8, which was damaged by a missile strike on the city on July 14, 2022, was repaired "on paper." This is reported by the local edition "20 minutes", UNN writes.


On that terrible day, July 14, 2022, as a result of an enemy missile landing in the center of Vinnytsia, a shock wave smashed windows in the primary school building of Lyceum No. 8, and the ceiling sagged or fell off in some classrooms. However, the building itself survived.

Since then, the parents of the students have repeatedly appealed to various authorities to find out when the necessary repairs will be made to the building to eliminate the consequences of the missile attack.

According to the publication, it was only in July 2023 that it became clear that, based on the results of the inspection and the recommendations of the expert commission, the Department of Capital Construction of the Vinnytsia City Council had developed design estimates for the restoration and overhaul of the facility. The lyceum renovation project was submitted for allocation of funds from the fund for liquidation of the consequences of armed aggression and the Ukraine Recovery Program with the assistance of the European Investment Bank.

But it didn't go any further than that.

The lyceum's director, Natalia Pidlisna, confirmed to 20 Minutes that the damaged building had been examined and design estimates had been developed on its basis.

However, the principal does not know how much the repairs to the elementary school building are estimated to cost or when they will begin.

At the same time, as early as January 27, 2023, an official message was published on the website of the Vinnytsia City Council, which states in black and white that "at the expense of the reserve fund, major repairs were made to the buildings of educational institutions that were destroyed by a missile strike: Vinnytsia Lyceum No. 8 and Pre-school No. 27 of the Vinnytsia City Council. We also repaired the premises of the Vinnytsia Civil Registry Office with a shelter and two apartments in a building at 2 I. Bevza Street.

That is, more than a year ago, officials reported that the school had been renovated.

However, according to both the parents of the students and the journalists of the publication, the current state of the building clearly shows that no repairs were carried out after the missile strike in 2022.


The Vinnytsia region, where the regional council and most local communities are controlled by representatives of Groysman's party, last year "failed" to build shelters for schools with state subventions.

According to the Ministry of Finance, Vinnytsia region spent 62% of the funds received, which is one of the worst indicators in Ukraine.

Meanwhile, the construction of monolithic radiation shelters, for which tenders were held last year, is underway at six Vinnytsia lyceums.

The total amount of the contracts is more than UAH 278 million.

The two most expensive tenders were won by BK STAM: Lyceum No. 12 - UAH 57.2 million, Lyceum No. 13 - UAH 49.3 million.

According to local media reports, in 2020, BC STAM was suspected of embezzling budget funds during the reconstruction of the maternity ward of the Sharhorod Central District Hospital in 2017 and during the overhaul of the Zeleni Krynytsi hydrological reserve in 2019.

В області, яку контролюють соратники Гройсмана, школи та дитсадочки купують продукти за явно завищеними цінами – ЗМІ21.02.24, 12:59


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