
In the occupied Kherson region, Russians have created a new newspaper to intensify propaganda for the "presidential elections in russia"

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Russians have created a new propaganda newspaper called "Right of Choice" in the occupied Kherson region of Ukraine to promote the upcoming presidential "elections" and the occupation.

On the eve of the Russian presidential "elections," the occupiers have created a new propaganda newspaper in the occupied territories of Ukraine. This is reported by the National Resistance Center , UNN reports.


It is noted that the Russians continue to imitate the establishment of life in the occupied regions and create propaganda broadcasters there.

The Russians have created a bunch of "local media" in the region that glorify the occupation and are actively distributed by the enemy. The newest such newspaper is the "Right to Choice", which Russians have begun to replicate in the TOT of Kherson region. The paper is distributed free of charge and edited by the local "election commission"

- summarized in the Resistance.

The CNS adds that all propagandists are responsible for the war and will therefore be punished for their actions and work for the occupiers, because Russia does not guarantee their safety, as they are only a resource for the Kremlin.


The Center for National Resistance stated that the occupiers are trying to create pseudo-local state institutions in the TOT, such as administration, police, courts, and media. 

However, since most of the locals have left the region, the occupiers are forced to import their workers, who are already creating allegedly local structures.  In particular, this situation is observed in the media.

Для посилення пропаганди окупанти готують концерти росіян на захоплених територіях України - Центр нацспротиву09.02.24, 16:56

Volodymyr Omelchenko



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