
In the occupied Donetsk region, the state of local reservoirs reaches a critical level: one of the reasons is the spontaneous closure of Mines

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Due to the criminal activities of Putin's authorities in the temporarily occupied Donetsk region, the state of local reservoirs is reaching a critical level as a result of water pollution caused by the spontaneous closure of Mines, the discharge of contaminated industrial water and improper management of garbage disposal.

Due to the criminal activities of the Putin authorities in the temporarily occupied Donetsk region, the state of local reservoirs reaches a critical level, reports UNN with reference to the Center for National Resistance.


According to the Center, due to the spontaneous closure of Mines, almost all the water in the region is polluted. After all, this process led to the release of contaminated industrial water into the soil and contamination of the entire environment with heavy metals.

Загарбники використовують працю неповнолітніх на окупованих територіях України - Центр нацспротиву13.06.24, 15:24

"But not with mines alone. The mismanagement of the occupiers and collaborators led to a garbage collapse. Hundreds or even thousands of spontaneous landfills have only exacerbated the problem of water pollution. However, this does not stop the occupation authorities, together with collaborators, from implementing the Kremlin project – to make the Donbass a garbage dump of Russia," the report says.

Загарбники на окупованих територіях почали нову хвилю конфіскації цивільних авто - Спротив20.06.24, 15:35

Antonina Tumanova



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