
In Odesa region, a sergeant was exposed on a bribe for transferring from "zero" to the rear unit

 • 21610 переглядiв

In Odesa region, a senior sergeant was detained for taking a bribe of $4,500 from a soldier for transferring him from the front line to the rear.

In Odesa region, the chief sergeant of a military unit was exposed for taking bribes from the military for the opportunity to transfer  from the front line to the rear. This was reported by UNN with reference to the Office of the Prosecutor General.


According to the investigation, the chief sergeant received an unlawful benefit in the amount of $4500 from a serviceman of one of the "combat" units through an intermediary.

The funds were intended for the transfer of a serviceman from the front line to a rear military unit.

Law enforcement officers detained the chief sergeant in accordance with Art. 208 of the CPC of Ukraine. On June 25, 2024, directly during the transfer of the entire amount of the illegal benefit

- the OGPU summarized.

Син посадовця Вінницького ТЦК за 20 тис. дол. обіцяв "пакет" документів для виїзду за кордон, його затримали - ДБР18.06.24, 12:49

The suspect has been chosen as a measure of restraint in the form of detention with an alternative bail in the amount of UAH 605 ,600.


In Odesa , an employee of the local military commissariatwas detained for issuing fake draft notices to evaders for a bribe of $4,000.


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