
In Las Vegas, an armed man killed five people, a 13-year-old girl in serious condition

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An armed man killed 5 people, wounded a 13-year-old girl in Las Vegas, and then committed suicide during a clash with police.

Підозрюваний у злочині покінчив життя самогубством, коли зіткнувся з поліцейськими в одному з районів міста. Напиши про це з повідомлень на Associated Press.


Five people were killed in a bloody attack at two locations in the American city of Las Vegas. The suspect in the crime was found only a few hours later - 47-year-old Eric Adams, who committed suicide when he collided with police in one of the city's districts.

Police initially said they found two women dead while investigating reports of Monday night's shooting at an apartment in North Las Vegas. According to the department, one of them was about 40 years old, the other about 50 years old.

У США сталася масштабна стрілянина, є загиблий та багато поранених02.06.24, 17:06

While officers were investigating, the Department said they learned that the teenage girl had been taken to hospital with severe gunshot wounds and that there might be other victims in the nearby apartment.

Police found the bodies of two women aged about 20 years and a man about 20 years. All five victims were shot dead.

The events led to an overnight search for Adams, whom authorities described as "armed and dangerous.

On Tuesday, police learned that the suspect was seen at a facility in Las Vegas. When law enforcement officers arrived at the scene, they saw the suspect with a weapon running into the yard of a neighboring house.

The Department said that the police were following him, but the suspect refused to drop the gun and shot himself.

Police did not disclose the motive for the shooting, calling it a "separate incident.

15 людей дістали вогнепальні поранення на святкуванні Дня свободи в Окленді21.06.24, 12:31


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