
In Kherson, a family celebrating March 8 escaped death

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A family in Kherson miraculously escaped death when an enemy shell hit their apartment a few minutes after they went out to celebrate March 8 in the summer kitchen.

In Kherson, a family decided to celebrate March 8 in a summer kitchen and thus escaped death. They all left the house, which was hit by an enemy shell a few minutes later. The case was reported by the Kherson State Emergency Service, UNN reports.

The family decided to celebrate March 8 in the summer kitchen, but a moment later an enemy shell hit the apartment building they left a few minutes later, and miraculously no one was injured. A fire broke out in one of the rooms.

- said the SES.


Rescuers quickly responded to a fire that broke out because of the shelling. No one was in the house at the time of the shelling, but the owner of the house begged the firefighters to save her home library, which she had been collecting for many years.

Firefighters quickly extinguished the flames and saved part of the library.


Earlier , UNN reported that Russian troops attacked the village of Olgivka in Kherson region today. The village was attacked from a drone. One person was killed and another wounded.

Чоловік на Херсонщині на смерть підірвався на залишеній окупантами вибухівці під час обробки землі08.03.24, 12:04

Tatiana Salganik



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