
In Kharkiv, the number of wounded as a result of a Russian strike increased to 43 - police

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As a result of enemy attacks on Kharkiv, three civilians were killed and 43 others were injured, including two minors, as the Russian military used four guided aerial bombs on the city.

Three civilians were killed and 43 others were injured due to enemy attacks on Kharkiv, and law enforcement officers are documenting the consequences of Russian war crimes, reports UNN with reference to the Kharkiv region police.

Previously, the Russian military used four UMPB d-30s on the city. three people were killed, 43 were injured, including two minors 

- the message says.


On June 22, at about 15:30, the Russian military launched strikes on Kharkiv. Investigative teams, criminologists and Explosives technicians quickly went to the scene of the events.

A five-story residential building, a public transport stop, shops, cars, and public transport were damaged. Hits on the territory of the ecopark and the enterprise were also recorded. according to preliminary data, three people were killed and 43 others were injured. Among the injured are two children aged 12 and 13. Six citizens, including one man, four women and one child, are in serious condition. 

Зеленський: рф лише від початку червня кинула на Україну понад 2400 КАБів, із них близько 700 - на Харківщину22.06.24, 19:57

According to the head of the Investigative Department of the GUNP in the Kharkiv region Sergey Bolvinov, all the victims of the shelling of the Russians are civilians. A woman was killed at a trolleybus stop, a man was walking down the street and was in the epicenter of the explosion. Another deceased person is a security guard of the enterprise.

"It's hard to say how many people there might be under the rubble. A rescue operation is currently underway. We are carefully studying the remains of the building in order to remove parts of the guided aerial bomb, we have information that the Russians hit the UMPB D-30 guided aerial bombs," said Sergey Bolvinov. 

On the fact of violation of the laws and customs of war, investigators opened criminal proceedings under Part 2 of Article 438 (violation of the laws and customs of war combined with premeditated murder) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.  


As reported by UNN, the Russian army struck Kharkiv four blows, there are dead and wounded.

In the network there were shots of the consequences of the enemy attack and destruction in Kharkiv.

Antonina Tumanova



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