
In Georgia, opposition TV channels face fines for refusing to air ruling party's election campaign with footage of destruction in Ukraine

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Georgian opposition TV channels Formula, Mtavari, and TV Pirveli refused to air scandalous election videos of the ruling Georgian Dream party featuring Ukrainian cities destroyed by Russia, and now they face heavy fines. This was reported by NewsGeorgia, UNN reports.

The authorities are putting us in a dilemma - either we air the above-mentioned videos or we will be issued huge fines that could lead to the termination of the channels' operations,

- said in a joint statement by three opposition TV channels.


Opposition TV companies consider these videos of the Georgian Dream party with Ukrainian cities destroyed by Russia as "Russian propaganda" and "mockery of the Ukrainian people.

They also share the assessment of the EU ambassador to Georgia, who called the ruling party's advertisement "outrageous, shameful and disgusting.

It is noted that according to the law, a month before the elections, Georgian TV channels are obliged to provide free advertising time to all parties represented in parliament. At least 7.5 minutes are allocated for this purpose during every three hours of broadcasting.

In September, Formula, Mtavari, and TV Pirveli were fined for refusing to air another provocative advertisement, Georgian Dreams. It was a video with the slogan "Say no to the moral degeneration of society" against the background of images of Georgian activists and civil society representatives.

Грузія не відмовляється від євроінтеграційного курсу попри закон про "іноагентів" 23.08.24, 16:00


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