
In December, one child and 29 adults died after falling through the ice

 • 21045 переглядiв

Thirty people, including one child, have died in the volatile crisis in Ukraine. 10 people were rescued by the State Emergency Service.

Since the beginning of December 30 people, including one child, have died on frozen water bodies. This was was reported by the press officer of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine Oleksandr Khorunzhyi, according to the correspondent of UNN.

Since the beginning of December 30 people, including one child, have died on the water bodies. The SES unit rescued 10 people, including five children. Unfortunately, there have been recent incidents, especially in rural areas, when children go out on the ice

- said Oleksandr Khorunzhyi.


Oleksandr Khorunzhyi explained that the ice is currently very fragile because the air temperature fluctuates from minus to plus. He also he urged parents to educate their children and explain to them why they should not to walk near water bodies and go out on the ice.

На Львівщині врятували дівчинку, яка опинилася на уламку криги посеред озера22.12.23, 16:19

Anna Onishchenko



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